Interface | Description |
AlternativesHelper.ConditionSelector.Condition | |
AlternativesHelper.Selector |
Selects one object from the set of alternatives.
EmbedHelper.SourceProcessor | |
EvalHelper.Notation | |
Function | |
Helper |
Handlebars-like helper.
HelperDefinition |
A helper definition metadata.
HelperDefinition.ValuePlaceholder |
A value placeholder represents an expression which will be evaluated
right before the helper execution.
LogHelper.LoggerAdapter |
Log event adapter.
Options |
This objects represents a helper execution context.
Options.HelperExecutable |
A helper task to be executed asynchronously.
Class | Description |
AbstractHelper |
An abstract helper that holds a reference to the
TextSupport . |
AlternativesHelper |
Selects one object from the set of alternatives (usually helper parameters)
for variable - renders its
Object.toString() value or if no such object
exists renders the output of
for section - pushes the object on the context stack or does nothing if
no such object exists
If no AlternativesHelper.Selector instance is declared the default behavior is: take the
first parameter matching the condition (by default not null or not empty for
an instance of String ). |
AlternativesHelper.ConditionSelector |
Selects the first parameter matching the condition (by default not null
or not empty for an instance of
String ). |
AlternativesHelper.MaxSelector |
Attempts to select the maximal value from the parameters.
AlternativesHelper.MinSelector |
Attempts to select the minimal value from the parameters.
AsyncHelper |
A simple helper whose content is rendered asynchronously.
BasicSectionHelper | |
BasicValueHelper | |
BasicHelper |
Basic validating helper.
CacheHelper |
Allows to cache template fragments in memory.
EachHelper |
Iterates over the params or the object at the top of the context stack.
EmbedHelper |
Embed the template source.
EqualsHelper |
Renders a block if the first param does/doesn't equal to the
second param (by means of
Object.equals(Object) ). |
EvalHelper |
Allows to build the key dynamically and evaluate it afterwards.
EvalHelper.BracketDotNotation | |
EvalHelper.DotNotation | |
Flow | |
FormatHelper |
A simple printf-style format helper.
Functions | |
Helpers | |
HelpersBuilder |
A simple builder for helpers map.
HelperValidator | |
ChooseHelper |
This helper works similarly as the JSP c:choose tag.
ChooseHelper.OtherwiseHelper | |
ChooseHelper.WhenHelper |
The first param is the test condition.
IfHelper |
Renders a block if the param is not "falsy".
IncludeHelper |
Works similarly as partial tag except the name of the template to include may
be obtained dynamically.
InvokeHelper |
Invokes public methods with parameters via reflection.
IsHelper |
Renders the second param if the first param is not falsy, or (optionally,
i.e. if set) the third param.
JoinHelper |
This helper takes all the objects specified as the parameters and joins the
Object.toString() values together with the specified delimiter
(optional). |
LogHelper |
A simple log helper.
LogHelper.Builder | |
LogHelper.Slf4jLoggerAdapter |
A default adapter implementation for SLF4J.
NullCheckHelper |
Renders a block if the param is/isn't null.
NumberIsEvenHelper |
{{isEven iterIndex "evenRow"}}
{{isEven iterIndex "evenRow" "oddRow"}}
{{#isEven iterIndex}}
... |
NumberIsOddHelper |
{{isOdd iterIndex "oddRow"}}
{{isOdd iterIndex "oddRow" "evenRow"}}
{{#isOdd iterIndex}}
... |
NumberMatchingHelper |
An abstract helper for matching
Number values. |
NumericExpressionHelper |
A simple numeric expression helper.
OptionsHashKeys |
A list of common keys used in
Options hash. |
RepeatHelper |
Allows to repeat the section multiple times:
{{#repeat times=3}}
Hello three times!
SetHelper |
Works similarly as
WithHelper except the current
HelperDefinition.getHash() map is pushed on the context stack. |
SimpleHelpers |
Allows to create simple helpers using JDK8 funcional interfaces.
SimpleHelpers.Builder |
The builder is not thread-safe and should not be reused.
SwitchHelper |
This helper works similarly as the Java switch statement.
SwitchHelper.CaseHelper |
The first param is the matching value.
SwitchHelper.DefaultHelper | |
TagHelper |
This helper allows to easily render tags which make use of the same
delimiters as Trimou does (i.e. would be normally parsed as mustache tags).
UnlessHelper |
Renders a block if the param is "falsy".
WithHelper |
Nested context.
Enum | Description |
LogHelper.Level |
Log level.
NumericExpressionHelper.Operator |
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